Allergy season is not just for humans!
Did you know your dog might have allergies? Over 20% of dogs in the United States suffer from allergies. Sometimes, as animal owners, we may overlook the symptoms because they are not the same as ours. Humans generally sneeze and have itchy watery eyes, here are some signs to watch for in your dog…
- feet licking/bitingconstant scratching
- hair loss
- rubbing of their face
- inflamed ears
- bumps or blisters
Dogs can be allergic to many of the same things as their owners…
- pollens, molds, and dust mites
- cigarette smoke
- perfumes
- cleaning products
- food ingredients
If you think your pet may be having an allergic reaction, call your veterinarian and schedule an appointment. It is never advisable to treat and issue with pet until your veterinarian has given a diagnosis!
What experience with allergic dogs have you had? Has Dr. molly helped your pet deal with allergies?